Jake approached the edge of the field with extreme caution. He did not know what kind of danger possibly lied on the road ahead. The weeds in the field were very unkempt; they hadn't been trimmed or cut in ages. The owner of the field had been warned on several different occasions about cutting the weeds but had ignored all of them. Jake wished that he would have because he couldn't see any trace of the road from where he was at and it felt like he was walking into unexplored territory. Anything could be over there and he just had to be prepared for it. He had run into a couple other zombies as he entered the field and had dispatched them with ease. Jake was catching onto this zombie killing lifestyle, not having any problems so far minus the close call last night.
Jake got to the end of the field and carefully looked outside of the weeds, inspecting the area around the church. There was nothing in sight as far as he could see. There were a few cars a ways down from the church pulled over to the side of the road abandoned by the looks of it. Jake looked to the left and thought he could see a few shapes down the road, probably zombies, but they were quite a ways away and wouldn't be any trouble. He took a deep breath, said a quick prayer and put his foot out onto the road. That’s when he felt something press against the back of his head and the sound of what was more than likely a twelve gauge cocking.
"Don't move another step," a voice that sounded very familiar said, "Or I will blow your stinking head off."
"Alright, alright," Jake said lifting his hands into the air still holding the bat. "I am not moving okay? Gosh, I thought zombies were the only things I was going to have to worry about. Now I have to add crazy people to the list."
"Shut up."
Jake stuffed the urge of continuing to rant down as he felt the barrel of the gun press harder into his skull.
"What are you doing out here?" The voice asked.
"I was going to cross this street right here in front of me and go into the church. It was the closest place to me with power so it was a no brainer actually."
"Have you seen anyone else?"
Jake suddenly recognized the voice and it immediately explained his behavior.
"No not a single person. You are the first, even though I haven't technically seen you. I am not doing anything wrong sheriff."
There was a pause for several seconds, followed by a question.
"Is that you Jake?" The pressure on the back of Jake's skull was relieved and he felt an arm on his shoulder pulling him around.
Sheriff Rick Sheldon was standing there with a weak smile on his face. Probably the best smile he could muster actually under the circumstances. The two of them had played softball together over the summer. Rick did not attend the church but his wife had while she was alive. That was the ticket for him to be able to play since the only league in town was a church league. They had many Barbecue’s at the Sheldon's after games but after Megan died well all of that sort of went to crap.
"Good to see you Rick." Jake said looking back behind the sheriff to the two people standing silent, "And you found some friends. Man they must be desperate."
"Very funny Locke." Rick said patting Jake on the shoulder and then motioned to the people behind him. "This is Dave and Kailee. They so happened to make it to the station last night. So now here we are. We couldn't get to my car it was surrounded, so we snuck out the back and trekked out on foot. Town is crawling with them man, the early risers were caught out guard they didn't have a chance in hell."
"Well at least you made it Rick. I don't know if there is anyone inside the church but we can go check it out. Maybe these two should stay here while you and I check it out?"
"No," Rick said shaking his head. "These two have been through a lot already. They stay with us plus they are both carrying if you didn't notice which is more then I can say for you. Is that the bat you used in high school?"
"Heck yes man," Jake answered swinging the bat around as if it were a light saber. "I love this bat I can't think of a better way to kill zombies. Already gotten some good uses of it too, see."
Jake pointed to the stains of gore on the end of the bat.
"Well it’s good to see you can handle yourself Jake." Rick said. "Now if you're done being a show off we should probably get inside and out of the open don't you think?"
"Of course sir," Jake said motioning towards the church. "Would you like me to go first?"
"Lead the way Dora the Explorer."
"Oh wow," Jake said as he started crossing the street. "So your a comedian now?"
As they crossed the street, all of them were unaware of something perched above them on the building watching as they entered. A wicked smile on their face Legion could only hope everything went according to plan. But if not, only one person would be leaving that building alive and the future would begin.
Aaron opened his eyes at the sound of a door opening and then voices soon after. They went quiet suddenly, probably checking to make sure that the building was empty and that there were no zombies getting ready to feast on their insides. He didn't know what to do, he could just stay where he was pretending to be asleep until they found him, or he could just sit up and show them he was there. There could be potential risk to that, one of them could have an itchy trigger finger and blow his head off. He would just stay put for now, close his eyes and wait for them to see him.
It seemed like hours that he laid there with his eyes closed. All the events of the day played out through his head. He had no idea what Legion had planned but he had been instructed to watch and listen and that was what he was going to do. His thoughts were interrupted at the sound of a familiar voice.
"Aaron? Aaron is that you?" Dave asked coming over and shaking him from his pretend slumber.
"What?" Aaron asked pretending to be groggy. "Who's there don't hurt me. Dave?"
Sitting up Aaron spotted the rest of the people that had entered the church with his friend. Kailee of course, she looked like crap. There was the sheriff, just as Legion had told him and then there was a young man, probably around twenty four or so wearing a Boston Red Sox baseball cap backwards and holding a bloodied Louisville Slugger. There was something about him that Dave did not like, when he looked at him, something inside of his body screamed.
"Thats not a bite there is it son?" The sheriff asked pointing the barrel of his shotgun at Aaron's forehead.
"No sir I ran into a wall in an alley running away from the clinic. I was trying to head north out of town and ran into this place last night."
"I'll vouch for him Rick," Dave said, "We have been friends for a long time."
"Alright then," Rick said, "But if he eats one of us in the middle of the night it’s on your conscience. I am going to check the rest of the building, Jake come with me."
The man in the hat with the bat followed the sheriff to the other side of the building and disappeared.
"Why the hell did you run off man?" Dave asked his friend punching him in the shoulder.
"Ouch!" Aaron said holding his shoulder, "Dude I was freaked out and I ran. I'm sorry I am not use to dead people walking around eating peoples fingers."
Kailee excused herself to the restroom and the two boys sat discussing what had happened to the two of them. Well Aaron left out a huge chunk of stuff for fear of feeling the wrath of his master.
"I am glad you are okay man." Aaron said, "I am sorry I got you into this. I made you go to the party."
"Dude stop," Dave said lifting his hand. "It's in the past, let’s forget about it. Who knows what would have happened if I would have stayed home. Who knows how far this thing has spread maybe we are better off where we are at."
"You’re probably right."
"Of course I am. Now let’s see what there is to eat in this place. Hopefully not just crackers and grape juice."
The two of them laughed as they went into the kitchen looking for food to sustain their hunger. It was short lived as a sharp female scream came from the restroom reminding them of the dangers that were present in this new world they lived in. Both of them rushed to the restroom and walked in, not knowing what to expect.
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